Student Affairs

Mission Statement:

To provide administrative and support service to all prospective enrolled and graduating students. The aim is to help students to achieve their personal and professional goals as articulated by the College’s mission statement. Student Affairs is committed to enhancing academic success, student wellness and general campus life.

Administrative and Support Services include the following but are not limited to Counseling, Health, Educational and Academic Guidance, The Judicial System, Co-Curricular and Student Life Programmes, Sports, Student Association, the Student Handbook Financial Aid.

Ms. Eslyn Lewis

Student Affairs Director

The Student Handbook provides the relevant guidance (academic, finance, dress code, discipline etc.) to students during their tenure at the College. Nonetheless, it is understood that some of these students are in dire need of financial assistance (transportation, tuition, examination, graduation) thus, through the financial aid programme, these needs are met from funds generated by fund raising activities, private funding from businesses etc. and assistance from the Government of Grenada. Moreover, the academic success of students is not unnoticed thus, they can also apply for a scholarship. Educational and Academic Guidance is also provided to ensure that students follow their required career path as well as complete the relevant courses for their respective programmes.


Ms. Samantha Williams

Administrative Assistant

Supports the Director of Student Affairs and is responsible for the day to day operation of the Department in the absence of the Director. Ms. Williams is also directly responsible for the breakfast programme offered by the College.

Tel: 473 440 1389 Ext. 2246

Mrs. Kirl John

Student Activities Coordinator

With the aim of providing a well rounded graduate, the Student Activities Coordinator is responsible for all co-curricular activities, presentations and seminars.

Ms. Shevanna Antoine

Internship Coordinator

The Internship Coordinator is responsible for seeking job placements for all eligible students through the internship or apprenticeship programme.

Mr. Kwabena Amen

Community Service Coordinator

All registered students of the College must complete thirty (30) hours of Community Service as a requirement of their course of study for graduation. This is coordinated by the Community Service Coordinator.

Ms. Laurel Victor


The counselor provides relevant guidance to students, faculty and staff in areas including but not limited to their College life, social issues within and outside of the College as well as family visits where necessary.

Mrs. Kathleen Daniel

Campus Nurse

The Campus Nurse is responsible for providing relevant information and support in preventative health care as well as provide emergency assistance to all faculty, staff and students where necessary. Ongoing care in particular situations are also managed.

Mr. Anthony Dixon

Sports Officer

The Sports Officer is responsible for all sporting activities of the College whether it is intramural, regional or international.


Student Association

The Student Association of the College consist of all registered students of the College. 
The Association is governed by the Student Representative Council and supervised by Ms. Shevanna Antoine. 
There is also a Student Executive Committee. 

The Student Executive Committee

Ms. Aayla John
Vice President
Mr. Amit Sherkhan
Ms. Daneyelle Phillip
Ms. Eva Chouck
Ms. Adia Bailey

Chairperson of Standing Committees

Education and Welfare
Ms. Ariana De Riggs
Ms. Emma Chouk
Ms. Eva Chouk
Public Relations
Ms. Adia Bailey
Constitution and Rules
Ms. Abia Telesford
Ms. Kareen Gellineau
Ms. Adhara Salfarlie
Social and Cultural Affairs
Mr. Kaidee Danglade
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